Monday, February 2, 2009

Coffee Service

Many of us enjoy coffee shops for their variety of coffees and flavors. They provide a service which would be costly if we were to buy all that they had to offer. However, I'm not here to ask whether or not you like the service that coffee shops offer but whether you think it is right or OK or wrong or sinful to serve coffee during a worship service?

Yesterday, we(I) served coffee at the church specifically for our worship service. It is part of my illustration for the message and will be for the next few weeks. I was surprised how many enjoyed having a cup during service.

Many churches and individuals in those and other churches would frown upon having any sort of food or beverage in the sanctuary. Others would say why not. Is the sanctuary the "Holy of the holies?" Or is it the place where we gather for corporate worship? Would the soul, our heart, be the "holy of the holies? What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Pastor Joy Ziegler said...

I believe having coffee in the sanctuary helps those who are "not so sure about this church thing" be able to relax and feel a bit more at ease. I understand the idea of respect, but we need to meet people where they are at. Having church over a cup of coffee may break down a wall of the pre-conceived ideas of church that they come with. When people can feel more at ease about being in church, their focus can be on what God is speaking to their heart rather than the insecurity of the surroundings. Just my thoughts....