Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wow, how time flys!

It is amazing how time flys by. It has been a while since I last posted. I will try to do better. Business just seems to suck time right off the clock and calendar.

Why is it that as we get older time seems to fly by even faster? Why is it that as we see kids grow it is as if some one spun the clock hands really fast? I remember after graduating from high school and returning to see some teachers how their children who were little were now in high school, boy did I begin to feel old. Even now with my own children Preston is now 16 and Jacob 13, where has the time gone.

Don't let your clock and calendar rob your time. I have to admit I struggle with this myself, I'm a workaholic. It has cost me in the past and does from time to time now. Don't let time cost you.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being sick stinks!

As I sit here this evening, I feel like a truck has run me over. My son was probably the culprit who gave the rest of the family what he had the week before. I don't like being sick. I can't breathe, I ache, my eyes feel like all the moisture has been sucked out of them.

Being sick got me thinking. Sin in our lives feel like being sick. Really that is what is wrong when we have sin in our life, we are sick. We seem to have trouble breathing, we ache, and all of life is sucked out of us.

When we have a cold or the flu or some other ailment we seek assistance to make us better. Often times we jump at the opportunity for help at the first sniffle. So, why is it when we are ailing spiritually that we drag around seeking help from the Great Physician?

A little something for us to think about!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Change the world?

Here in Bradford, PA we are in the midst of a week focused on holiness. Many churches have come together to hear this years speaker Rev. Brian Eckhardt, General Superintendent of the Evangelical Church.

I love to see through the eyes of others. And last night was one of those times. Brian said, as Christians we are always trying to change the world. The problem is not the world, the world is the same as it has been throughout time. Sins are still the same, sins have not changed. The problem is the church. We have been empowered with the Holy Spirit but more often than not we do not take the power of the Spirit and do the work of the Lord.

So in a since, the world has not changed sin is still within and the Christian has no change either. The Holy Spirit within but we do nothing different. Oh, Lord forgive us!

Should our prayers be Lord, change the world or Lord, change us?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Your thoughts on gambling

What is your thoughts?

Keith Drury has an interesting discussion happening. Worth reading not only his thought but also the thoughts of those who have commented.

What do you think, what do you believe, what is the truth?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coffee Service

Many of us enjoy coffee shops for their variety of coffees and flavors. They provide a service which would be costly if we were to buy all that they had to offer. However, I'm not here to ask whether or not you like the service that coffee shops offer but whether you think it is right or OK or wrong or sinful to serve coffee during a worship service?

Yesterday, we(I) served coffee at the church specifically for our worship service. It is part of my illustration for the message and will be for the next few weeks. I was surprised how many enjoyed having a cup during service.

Many churches and individuals in those and other churches would frown upon having any sort of food or beverage in the sanctuary. Others would say why not. Is the sanctuary the "Holy of the holies?" Or is it the place where we gather for corporate worship? Would the soul, our heart, be the "holy of the holies? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Headed Home

The family and I are going home to NC for the first time since our move to Bradford, PA in July. We are looking forward to seeing the family. On our way we are stopping in Waynesboro, VA to spend an evening with a pastoral friend and to have breakfast with those from our previous church who wish to get out and see us. The trip will be long but seeing friend and family make it worth it.